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Taste of Our Ginseng


What you do first thing in the morning says a lot about you. Many people in North America reach for the coffee pot (or the cell phone) before anything else. I suggest, before anything else, taking time to invest in yourself – your own health and happiness. While coffee, in moderation, is not a bad thing. There is one step I would place in front of it in order to dramatically improve your sense of health, happiness and well being. Why not instead try on a cup of ginseng tea?


To be fair, most ginseng that you will find in a herbalist's shop tastes much worse than a bitter cup of coffee. Preparing a tincture and boiling it down is not anything most of us are up to early in the morning. However, Bing Han ginseng offers a uniquely pleasant taste â€“ I have come to say delicious – life enhancing, ginseng experience. The unique characteristics of our premium, Chang Bai Mountain, ginseng are due to the special care we take in growing and aging our ginseng. As well as the specialized processing techniques developed by company founder Dr. Li He Shun.


A life with Bing Han ginseng is a very sweet thing indeed. No wonder that our product tastes better than other kinds of ginseng as well! Bing Han delivers the energy and sense of well-being we all need to be fulfilled in life and, does so in a way that doesn't require a "spoonful of sugar" to make it go down.


There is no better way to start the morning than with a frothing mug of freshly shaken ginseng tea. Then if you still feel like a coffee, we have Bing Han ginseng coffee too. Join the revolution in health and wellness that is bing Han Panax Ginseng.


"Do not simply endure life – make it a celebration!

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